
Lamentable disqualification of two Energylandia Rally Team crews. / Lamentable descalificación de dos tripulaciones del Energylandia Rally Team

During the rest day in Riyadh, the two Energylandia Rally Team crews: #302 Erik Goczal/Oriol Mena and #310 Michal Goczal/Simon Gospodarczyk were disqualified by the FIA for using a carbon composite clutch that did not comply with Art. 286-2 3 of the appendix to the technical regulations.

To put it plainly, the technical regulations authorise the use of a free clutch, but another article states that carbon can only be used for an exhaustive list of elements in which the clutch does not appear. The carbon clutch provided no additional performance, but probably better reliability.

Taurus, whose original clutches are made of steel, regrets misinterpretation of the technical regulations by the Energylandia Rally Team and also expresses its heartfelt sympathy for the two crews who did a fantastic job during the first week of the Dakar 2024.

Durante el dia de descanso en Riad, las dos tripulaciones del Energylandia Rally Team: #302 Erik Goczal/Oriol Mena y #310 Michal Goczal/Simon Gospodarczyk fueron descalificadas por la FIA por utilizar un embrague compuesto de carbono que no cumplia con el Art. 286-2 3 del apendice del

reglamento tecnico.

Para decirlo claramente, el reglamento tecnico autoriza el uso de un embrague libre, pero otro articulo establece que el carbono solo puede utilizarse para una lista exhaustiva de elementos en los que no aparece el embrague. El embrague de carbono no aportaba prestaciones adicionales, pero probablemente si una mayor fiabilidad.

Taurus, cuyos embragues originales son de acero, lamenta esta mala interpretacion del reglamento tecnico por parte del Energylandia Rally Team y expresamos nuestra tristesa a las dos tripulaciones que brillaron durante la primera semana del Dakar 2024.